
Thursday 2 April 2020

The Write Advice 130: ANTHONY BURGESS

It's a kind of demon.  Once you start on this creative kick you're landed with it.  It's there all the time and you're not happy unless you are writing.  You're wretched while you're writing.  You're miserable as hell, but there's nothing else you can do.  You can't read anybody else's work because you think well, I could have written it this way.  You can't go to the movies or you think well, I would have made it this way.  You can't listen to music because words get in the way.  And you just end up by being only happy possibly when you are making love, drinking or writing.

The Dick Cavett Show [Interview, 2 April 1971]


Use the link below to watch the full interview with ANTHONY BURGESS conducted by North American talkshow host DICK CAVETT on 2 April 1971:


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