
Friday 11 October 2024

Poet of the Month 095: NADIA BEN SLIMA




 c 2017








When will you understand?

you are not what you fear

and fears do not appear

that make souls mute

troubles that you repaint 

of a naïve anguish

are not worth the intention

promised by your virtue 


The flowers suddenly have

the scent of your fear

and when you remember yourself

sorrow awakens

You make of it a home

ramparts of nothingness

When will you understand?

you are very much what pleases you




Translated [very loosely] by




see below for original French text


Born in 1980 in the Moselle region of France, Nadia Ben Slima spent her childhood and most of her adult life in Lorraine, Alsace and Franche-Comté in the east of the country.  She now lives in the northern city of Lille.  Drawn as much to science as she is to literature, Ben Slima has recently focused her energies on pursuing a scientific career, putting her passion for poetry on hold for the time being.





Use the link below to read more poems (only in French) by NADIA BEN SLIMA:




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Quand comprendas-tu?

tu n'es pas ce que tu crains

et les peurs ne revêtent

que les âmes muette

les peines que tu repeins

d'une angoisse ingénue

ne valent pas le dessein

promis par ta vertu



Les fleurs ont soudain

le parfum de ta peur

et quand tu te souviens

s'agite le chagrin 

tu en fais ta demeure

des remparts de riens

Quand comprendras-tu?

tu es bien ce qui te plaît




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