
Thursday, 21 December 2017

Poet of the Month 044: ANTONIN ARTAUD

c 1925


This triangle of thirsty water
this road without signposts
Madame, and the sight of your masts
on this sea where I drown

The messages of your hair
the broadsides from your lips
this storm which carries me away
in the wake of your eyes.

This final shadow, on the shore
Where life takes respite, and the wind,
And the horrible standing about
of the crowd on my route.

When I lift my eyes toward you
one could say that the earth trembles,
and the fires of love come to resemble
the caresses of your spouse. 
The Umbilicus of Limbo

Translated (with difficulty) by  

see end of post for original French text

Use the links below to read about the life and work of French dramatist, actor, poet and theatrical theorist ANTONIN ARTAUD (1896–1948) and more of his poems (in French) on the free poetry site Un Jour Un Poème:

Use this link to hear the song Antonin Artaud by 1980s UK goth-rock pioneers BAUHAUS.  The lyrics (by DAVID J) are highly reminiscent of the poet's own work and are certainly worth reading for that reason alone:

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c 1947


Ce triangle d’eau qui a soif
cette route sans écriture
Madame, et le signe de vos mâtures
sur cette mer où je me noie

Les messages de vos cheveux
le coup de fusil de vos lèvres
cet orage qui m’enlève
dans le sillage de vos yeux.

Cette ombre enfin, sur le rivage
où la vie fait trêve, et le vent,
et l’horrible piétinement
de la foule sur mon passage.

Quand je lève les yeux vers vous
on dirait que le monde tremble,
et les feux de l’amour ressemblent
aux caresses de votre époux.

L'Ombilic des limbes

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